UNROOT Your Android Manually


Hey guys this is Abhishek from VisualTrue. Today we've gonna learn How to UNROOT your Android Device Manually..!

Method 1:-

  • Download "Android Terminal" from Play Store
  • Start the Terminal and make sure you are at a # sign. (If not type "su")
  • Type "mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/system /system"
  • Type "rm /system/app/Superuser.apk"
  • Type "rm /system/bin/su"
  • Type rm /system/xbin/busybox (if applicable)

  • Method 2:-

    This method is a little more complicated than the other technique, but only slightly. For a manual unroot you’ll need to have a file manager with root access on your Android phone. There are a few available but currently the most popular one is ES File Explorer.

    Once you have downloaded and installed the app, you will need to go to the: 

    1. App’s settings and make sure root access is turned on.

    2. Open the app and tap the menu button, before selecting ‘Tools’ and then ‘Root Explorer’.
    3. At this point, the app may ask you to grant it root privileges (similar to method 2). Grant this in order to continue unrooting.
    4. Now, return to the main screen of ES File Explorer and tap on ‘/’. This will show you a list of the directories on your device.
    5. Access your phone’s main drive and look for ‘system’. Select ‘system’ and then tap ‘bin’. After this has been completed, delete ‘busybox’ and ‘su’.(If they are not there, don’t worry. Just continue to the next step.)

    6. Go back to the system folder and select ‘xbin’. Look for the ‘busybox’ and ‘su’ files, and delete them.
    7. Return to the system folder and select ‘app’. Look for a file called ‘superuser.apk’ and delete it.

    Now, all you have to do is restart your phone or tablet and you are done. Your Android device is now unrooted. Whichever method you choose, you should now have an unrooted Android device, ready to be updated or repaired as need be.

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