How to Make Simple MP3 Player in JAVA


Making a music player using JMF may seem a bit complex. There are a few Open Source libs that will help you out. I have made a collection of these and they are freely available here: Music Libraries
After downloading, you need to create a Java project in your favorite IDE and set these libs in your project classpath. (These libs are development from JavaZoom, JLayer MP3 API.) Now after all these are done, a simple code will play your song.
BasicPlayer myMusicPlayer=new BasicPlayer();
BasicController playerController =(BasicController)myMusicPlayer;
String filePath="D:/SexyTracks/Just_dance.mp3";
File file=new File(filePath);
}catch(Exception ex){}
To pause or stop the song:
   //choice can be any boolean,I just included it to show the pause & stop         
}catch(Exception ex){}
Or you might like to set the volume using:
/*The setGain() method takes double within 0.0 to 1.0.
1 is for full sound(100%)*/
Remember one thing. Whatever you do with the controller, don't forget to surround it with try/catch blocks. The API creates a separate thread for each song that gets played, so you don't need to worry about creating a new thread.
In case you need to know how much of the song has been played so far or when the song was opened, paused, or anything, you need a BasicPlayerListener. In the class where you are playing the song, make it implement BasicPlayerListener.
class MyMusicPlayer implements BasicPlayerListener
And add these method stubs (you will need others also according to your purpose):

* Open callback, stream is ready to play.
* properties map includes audio format dependant features such as
* bitrate, duration, frequency, channels, number of frames, vbr flag, ...
* @param stream could be File, URL or InputStream
* @param properties audio stream properties.
public void opened(Object stream, Map properties)
/** * Progress callback while playing.
* This method is called severals time per seconds while playing.
* properties map includes audio format features such as
* instant bitrate, microseconds position, current frame number, ...
* @param bytesread from encoded stream.
* @param microseconds elapsed (reseted after a seek !).
* @param pcmdata PCM samples.
* @param properties audio stream parameters.
public void progress(int bytesread, long microseconds, byte[] pcmdata, Map properties)
    /*shows you how much seconds of the song has been played*/
    long time=microseconds/(1000*1000);//time in seconds
    // Pay attention to properties. It depends on underlying JavaSound SPI
    // MP3SPI provides mp3.equalizer.

In case you need a speed up, here's my simple NetBeans project[^] for you.
I think this will warm you up enough to get started with this strong music library from JavaZoom[^].Smile | :)
N.B.: The way described here will enable you to play MP3 files only. To be able to play other file types, include the full set of libs I mentioned before in your project classpath.

Don't forget to let me know your steps.
